Short-term Creations

The company, Compagnia Del Carnevale A. Galli & G. Lebigre & C. Roger first-category float.
Procession of a gigantic funerary float in 1930’s style, made up of angels-of-death dancing wildly and preceded by its funeral cortège of a troupe of crying clowns and joyous widows.
“While there is life there is hope; while there is hope there is fear; while there is fear there is power but power is not everything in life.” – John Gay Beggar”s Opera
War, hatred and terror are ever-threatening, idiotic strategists hasten the time of judgement day however that day will come for all sooner or later.
“To die for one’s beliefs and ideas is a mutual thing amongst us but it is a slow death”, said Georges Brassens.
To ward off death, given that when it arrives we will no longer be present, we decided it would be better to have a funeral while we are still alive, that is to make a funeral of death itself, that which war, misery, fear and illusion inficts upon us.
The funeral participants will dance on deadly foolishness and will scoff at the tragic purility of war; it twill dance because it is alive; dance and laugh at the exalted reality dedicated to power, hunger and money. And the angel-of-death will dance will us; even he, and will dance to the point where he will forget his appointments.
Méningue trained the troupe of actors on the foundations of clown play for this unusual funeral march. He created the make-up for each clown and managed the miming movements as well as the Balkan music.