Méningue is Mr Chance (Mr Fortune)
The slapstick comedies (burlesque films) of Keaton, Chaplin and Laurel and Hardy, greatly inspired cartoon creators. They disappeared however and gave way to animated design which hadn’t the limits that screenwriters had.
Let’s imagine, thanks to the magic of technology, that the world of Buster Keaton merges with that of a “Tex Avery”…
The tooney characters in “Reality Toon” are interpreted by actors and evolve into a caricatured and deformed world just like the animated drawing of “Tex Avery” or of “Looney Tunes”.
Traversant les pires situations, ils ont la même résistance face aux imprévus qu’un “Coyote”, un “Spike” ou un “Duffy”.
“Reality Toon” gives the spectator the illusion of seeing the first hyper-realist cartoon.
Dr. Kill, the best hired assassin, tries all his might to kill Mr. Fortune, the luckiest man in the world…
Special prize of the jury: Alter-Native International Film Festival-Tg-Mures-Roumanie
Better Cartoon movie: international Festival of the Movie of Vébron-France

Written and realized : Fabrice Mathieu & Jean-Yves Chalengeas
Dr Kill : Jean-Yves Chalangeas
Mister Chance : Jean Ménigault alias Méningue
Supraman : Renaud Brahimi
The Sailor : Fabrice mathieu
The Voices : David Seys
Length : 7 minutes 23 seconds
Year of production : 2005